Dr. Michel Georges

DC, ADN-Cert

DC, ADN-Cert

Dr. Michel Georges

Dr. Mike is a proud Rhode Islander that specializes in neuromusculoskeletal injuries, rehabilitation, acute injury pain management, and wellness care for performance driven results. He runs a multidisciplinary practice in Cranston, Rhode Island that treats spinal and extremity related NMSK pain using manipulation, dry needling, Schockwave therapy, IASTM, athletic taping, and rehabilitative exercises. 

A fitness enthusiast himself, Dr. Mike grew up with a background in competitive freestyle  wrestling, boxing, and jiu-jitsu. Having had a former powerlifting background, he has transitioned into a hybrid training style involving all aspects of fitness. 

Dr. Michel Georges holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Manhattan college as well as a chiropractic degree from the University of Bridgeport. He has certifications in IASTM treatment and dry needling.

Dr. Michel George